CBP Insight Platform
For building owners and occupiers who have responsibility to decarbonise a portfolio of buildings, the CBP Insight Platform is a cloud based application that assists with decarbonisation strategy including investment.
Unlike competitors the CBP Insight Platform puts the Client in control of optimising carbon reduction measures that fit their organisation
Introducing the CBP Insight Platform
Our Insight Platform has been developed by Creative Building Performance, with over 25 years’ experience in Sustainable Building Design and Operation, to enable building owners, operators and occupiers, to take control of their environmental and social impacts.
This software platform is aimed at enabling stakeholders to develop their Decarbonisation Roadmap at the Asset, Portfolio and Enterprise level.
The Platform enables users to set goals, track progress and engage stakeholders in the journey towards Net Zero Carbon and wider ESG goals.
Our goal is to innovate at the intersection of convenience and positive action by leveraging data and analytics to monitor progress against performance targets and enable organisations to take control of their own KPIs, accelerating their Data Driven Performance journey.
Key Features and Benefits
Net Zero Trajectory
The CBP Insight Platform includes interventions to reduce carbon, appropriate to various building types. Interventions can be selected for each Asset and plotted alongside ‘Paris Proof’ targets to develop a Net Zero investment strategy. Simple Payback Period (SPP) is shown for each intervention selected.
This allows users to test configurations of interventions over the Asset lifecycle with the overall impact reflected at Asset, Portfolio and Enterprise levels. The CBP Insight Platform informs the user which Assets within the Portfolio can be cost-effectively decarbonised, reflecting the fact that some buildings will have a greater impact on Portfolio carbon emissions than others
Set goals, track progress and engage stakeholders in the journey towards Net Zero Carbon and wider ESG goals.
Data Driven Decision Making
Data collection and visualisation is at the heart of the CBP Insight Platform. All building related emissions information is collated in one place, visible to stakeholders with appropriate access. Metered data can be collated within the Insight Platform to be used for real-time optimisation and to ensure that anticipated reductions in carbon and running costs, as a result of selected interventions, are realised.
The CBP Insight Platform will track data quality highlighting gaps or anomalies for further investigation. Data collected and stored within the CBP Insight Platform can be used to inform third-party verification requirements. Over time, the CBP Insight Platform will learn how the building performs and provide insights into opportunities for further optimisation.
Over time, the CBP Insight Platform will learn how the building performs and provide insights into opportunities for further optimisation.
Data collection and visualisation is at the heart of the CBP Insight Platform.
Stakeholder Engagement
Tenant dashboards can be set up to show which actions have been taken and which are still to be tackled as well as enable Tenants to upload any operational data required for tracking. Metered data can be collated within the CBP Insight Platform to be used for real-time optimisation and to ensure that anticipated reductions in carbon and running costs, as a result of selected interventions, are realised.
Dashboards are built into the CBP Insight Platform to enable effective communication with stakeholders in response to growing demand for greater transparency and encourage buy-in for those directly involved in implementing improvements.
A handful of preformatted reports are available with the CBP Insight Platform.
Harness data you already have to enable your transition towards net zero carbon, in tandem with growth strategies.
Getting started on your Net Zero journey
The UK Government declared a climate emergency in 2019 and through the Climate Change Bill and the Programme for Government, a commitment to net zero emissions for all greenhouse gases by 2050 and a 70% reduction by 2030, has been made. It is therefore imperative for businesses to plan how they will meet these targets.
We are on a mission to enable businesses, particularly property sector practitioners, to harness the data they already have, augment where necessary, and leverage ‘smart’ technologies to enable their transition towards net zero carbon, in tandem with growth strategies. The CBP Insight platform will demonstrate how Assets and Portfolios are performing in terms of sustainability, ESG and Net Zero.
The three levels of the Insight Dashboard
Basic Dashboards includes:
• Operational Energy
• Operational Carbon
• Running Cost
• Net Zero Trajectory
• Energy bills tracking
The Basic+ Dashboards
give the user the ability to create their own Dashboards from a selection of tools within the Mendix Platform.
Bespoke Dashboards
are produced by Creative Building Performance as a Consultancy Service to the customer’s specification. These are exclusive to the Bespoke customer.
*Creative Building Performance Consultancy Service
**Prices quoted are subject to change by Creative Building Performance
***User limits – 10 users per Customer Monthly Subscription on Basic, Basic+. Number of Users on Bespoke Level is priced according to requirements. Basic Subscription limited to 50 Assets. Basic+ limited to 200 assets. Bespoke unlimited Assets. Up to 10 Tenant Users per Asset on Basic and Basic+.
Register and start using the CBP Insight Platform
The CBP Insight platform is a fully functioning cloud-based, business solution, ready to use upon successful access to Mendix Marketplace.
Think you would benefit from a live demo?
Take advantage of the opportunity to set up a live demo with Creative Building Performance consultants, where questions around functionality can be answered. Email sales@creativebuildingperformance.co.uk to enquire or use the buttons below.
Please click on this link to book an initial chat with us at your convenience.
To find out more about the CBP Insight Platform, and to register, please click on the link below.