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Technology Solutions

We have in house capability to develop customised solutions for the management of Key Performance Indicators, focused around ESG, continuously adding value. Evolving as requirements change and future proofing performance. 


Using a combination of technologies we enable clients to take control of Asset Performance, reduce risk, set goals, and actively manage planning and implementation of improvements to guarantee ROI.

Engage stakeholders, bring them along on the journey by providing them with the right information in the right format at the right time. We encourage clients to act now to get ahead of the market by selecting a few KPIs and help them to build out the platform over time.



business man use augmented mixed virtual
Technology Solutions: Our Services

With over 25 years’ experience in optimising building design and operation, I have gained a good understanding of the challenges and the solutions as they have evolved.


With recent advancements in technology we see a move to ‘Performance As A Service’ , leveraging data from buildings, visualising data sets, automating processes and insights and engaging stakeholders in the ESG journey.


By gaining a deep understanding of how Assets are performing we can identify areas of improvement, we can test different options to advise clients on how they can achieve targets, like Net Zero Carbon cost effectively.


The performance requirements landscape is complex and ever changing coupled with an accelerating digital transformation can seem daunting. We employ simple repeatable processes from a business centric perspective to get clients started on there journey. From there we can build the technology solution to deliver continuous optimisation through the Asset lifecycle.

Technology Solutions: Welcome
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